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Selected Publications


Xiaolei Wang, Ying Dou, Jingchiu Hu, Celia Hoi-Ching ChanRenhao LiLi Rong, Huarui GongJian DengTerrence Tsz-Tai YuenXuansheng LinYige HeCanhui SuBao-Zhong ZhangJasper Fuk-Woo ChanKwok-Yung YuenHin Chu, Jian-dong Huang (2024) "Conserved moonlighting protein pyruvate dehydrogenase induces robust protection against Staphylococcus aureus infection" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2024 Sep 3;121(36):e2321939121. Epub 2024 Aug 26 DOI:

Ye-Fan Hu, Terrence Tsz-Tai Yuen, Hua-Rui Gong, Bingjie Hu, Jing-Chu Hu, Li Rong, Lin-lei Chen, Xiao-lei Wang, Chaobi Lei, Xuan-Sheng Lin, Thomas Yau, Ivan Fan-Ngai Hung, Kelvin Kai-Wang To, Kwok-Yung Yuen, Bao-Zhong Zhang, Hin Chu, Jian-Dong Huang (2023) “Rational design of a booster vaccine strain against COVID-19 based on antigenic distance”, Cell Host & Microbe, V 31, 1–16 DOI:

Yee-Man Au-Yeung, Chuyuan Zhang, Chen Huan, Hin Chu, Hanjun Zhao, Bao-Zhong Zhang, and Jian-Dong Huang, (2023) “Engineered intranasal virus trap provides effective protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection in hamsters”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2305120 DOI:

Xiaolei Wang, Terrence Tsz-Tai Yuen, Ying Dou, Jingchu Hu, Renhao Li, Zheng Zeng, Xuansheng Lin, Huarui Gong, Chaemin Yoon, Huiping Shuai, Deborah Tip-Yin Ho, Ivan Fan-Ngai Hung, Bao-Zhong Zhang, Hin Chu, and Jian-Dong Huang (2023) “IFN-γ mediated-cellular immunity is essential to the vaccine-induced protection against SARS-CoV-2 in B cell-deficient mice”, Nature Communications, V14(1):3440  DOI:

Huiping Shuai, Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan, Bingjie Hu, Yue Chai, Terrence Tsz-Tai Yuen, Feifei Yin, Xiner Huang, Chaemin Yoon, Jing-Chu Hu, Huan Liu, Jialu Shi, Yuanchen Liu, Tianrenzheng Zhu, Jinjin Zhang, Yuxin Hou, Yixin Wang, Lu Lu, Jian-Piao Cai, Anna Jinxia Zhang, Jie Zhou, Shuofeng Yuan, Melinda A. Brindley, Bao-Zhong Zhang, Jian-Dong Huang, Kelvin Kai-Wang To, Kwok-Yung Yuen, Hin Chu, (2022) “Attenuated replication and pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.529 Omicron”, Nature DOI:


Jian Deng*, Bao-zhong Zhang*, Hin Chu*, Xiao-lei Wang, Yixin Wang, Hua-Rui Gong, Renhao Li, Dong Yang, Cun Li, Ying Dou, Peng Gao, Jian-piao Cai, Meilin Jin, Qian Du, Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan, Richard Yi-Tsun Kao, Kwok-Yung Yuen#, and Jian-Dong Huang# (2021) “Adenosine synthase A contributes to recurrent Staphylococcus aureus infection by dampening T cell responses”, EBioMedicine, Volume 70, 103505. (*Equal contribution, #co-corresponding author) DOI: 

Qiubin Lin, Li Rong, Xian Jia, Renhao Li, Bin Yu, Jingchu Hu, Xiao Luo, Badea Smaranda-ruxandra, Chen Xu, Guofeng Fu, Kejiong Lai, Ming-chun Lee, Baozhong Zhang, Huarui Gong, Nan Zhou, Xiao Lei Chen, Shu-hai Lin*, Guo Fu*, Jian-Dong Huang*, (2021) “Salmonella potently inhibits cancer metastasis by activating IFN-γ-dependent NK cell”, Nature Communications V12:2537 DOI:

Agnese I. Curatolo, Nan Zhou, Yongfeng Zhao, Chenli Liu, Adrian Daerr, Julien Tailleur and Jian-Dong Huang (2020) Cooperative pattern formation in multi-species bacterial colonies. Nature Physics (article) (2020) V16, PP 1152–1157, DOI:

Bao-zhong Zhang, Hin Chu, Shuo Han, Huiping Shuai, Jian Deng, Ye-fan Hu, Hua-rui Gong, Andrew Chak-Yiu Lee, Zijiao Zou, Thomas Yau, Wutian Wu, Ivan Fan-Ngai Hung, Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan, Kwok-Yung Yuen, Jian-Dong Huang (2020) SARS-CoV-2 productively infects human brain organoids. Cell Research V30, pages 928–931 DOI:

Bao-zhong Zhang, Ye-fan Hu, Lin-lei Chen, Thomas Yau, Yi-gang Tong, Jing-chu Hu, Jian-piao Cai, Kwok-Hung Chan, Ying Dou, Jian Deng, Xiao-lei Wang, Ivan Fan-Ngai Hung, Kelvin Kai-Wang To, Kwok-yung Yuen, and Jian-Dong Huang (2020) Mining of Epitopes on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 from COVID-19 Patients. Cell Research V30(8) Page 702-704, DOI:

Meriem Belabed, François-Xavier Mauvais, Sophia Maschalidi, Mathieu Kurowska, Nicolas Goudin, Jian-Dong Huang, Alain Fischer, Geneviève de Saint Basile, Peter Van Endert, Fernando E. Sepulveda and Gaël Ménasché, (2020) Kinesin-1 is required for antigen cross-presentation by inducing the scission of tubulations from early endosomes in dendritic cells. Nature Communications V11, Article number 1817: DOI:

Raozhou Lin, Zhigang Duan, Haitao Sun, Man-Lung Fung, Hansen Chen, Jing Wang, Chi-Fai Lau, Di Yang, Yu Liu, Yanxiang Ni, Zai Wang, Ju Cui, Wutian Wu, Wing-Ho Yung, Ying-Shing Chan, Amy C.Y. Lo, Jun Xia, Jiangang Shen, and Jian-Dong Huang (2019) Kinesin-1 Regulates Extrasynaptic Targeting of NMDARs and Neuronal Vulnerability Toward Excitotoxicity, iSciences v13, pp82-97. doi:

Yan-Xiang Ni, Nan Zhou, Wen-Qian Xue, Li Rong, Wing-Ho Yung, Rao-Zhou Lin, Richard Yi-Tsun Kao, Zhi-Gang Duan, Hai-Tao Sun, Hua-Rui Gong, Xu-Ming Tang1, Wen Zhang, Shuang Qi, Sookja Chung, You-Qiang Song and Jian-Dong Huang (2018) A new role of anterograde motor Kif5b in facilitating large clathrin-coated vesicle mediated endocytosis via regulating clathrin uncoating. Cell Discovery Volume 4, Article number: 65. DOI (

Baozhong Zhang, JianPiao Cai, Bin Yu, Lifeng Xiong, Qiubin Lin, SongYue Zheng, Richard Yi-Tsun Kao, Konghung SZE, Kwok-Yung Yuen, and Jian-Dong Huang (2017) Immunotherapy Targeting Adenosine Synthase A Decreases Severity of Staphylococcus aureus Infection in Mouse Model. Journal of Infectious Diseases V216, p245-253 [Abstract] DOI:

Lei Shi, Bin Yu, Chunhui Cai, Wei Huang, Bo-Jian Zheng, David K. Smith, Kwok-Yung Yuen, Jian-Dong Huang (2016) Combined prokaryotic-eukaryotic delivery and expression of therapeutic factors through a primed autocatalytic positive-feedback loop. Journal of Controlled Release V222 pp. 130 – 140 DOI:

Baozhong Zhang, YanHong Hua, Bin Yu, Candy ChoiYi Lau, JianPiao Cai, SongYue Zheng, WingCheong Yam, Richard Yi-Tsun Kao, Konghung Sze, Bo-Jian Zheng, Kwok-Yung Yuen and Jian-Dong Huang (2015). Recombinant ESAT-6-like proteins provoke protective immune responses against invasive Staphylococcus aureus disease in a murine model. Infection and Immunity V83(1):339-345  DOI:

Ye Jin, Jianting Wu, Yannan Li, Zhiming Cai and Jian-Dong Huang (2013) Modification of the RpoS network with an artificial small RNA. Nucleic Acids Research, V41(17):8332-8340 DOI:

Zai Wang, Ju Cui, Jing Wang, Xin-Mei Zhang, Wai Man Wong, Neal G. Copeland, Nancy A. Jenkins, Julian A. Tanner, Kathryn S E Cheah, Wu-Tian Wu and Jian-Dong Huang (2013) Kinesin-1 controls the localization of myofibrils components for their assembly and linkage to the myotendinous junctions. Development V140(3), P617-626 DOI:

Chenli Liu, Xiongfei Fu, Lizhong Liu, Xiaojing Ren, Carlos K.L. Chau, Sihong Li, Lu Xiang, Hualing Zeng, Guanhua Chen, Lei-Han Tang, Peter Lenz, Xiaodong Cui, Wei Huang, Terence Hwa, Jian-Dong Huang (2011) Sequential establishment of stripe patterns in an expanding cell population. Science V334(6053), P238-241 DOI:

Ju Cui, Zai Wang, Qianni Cheng, Raozhou Lin, Xin-Mei Zhang, Po Sing Leung, Neal G. Copeland, Nancy A. Jenkins, Kwok-Ming Yao, and Jian-Dong Huang (2011) Targeted Inactivation of Kinesin-1 in Pancreatic β-Cells in vivo Leads to Insulin Secretory Deficiency. Diabetes V60(1), P320-330 DOI:

Richard Y Kao, Dan Yang, Lai-Shan Lau, Wayne H W Tsui, Lihong Hu, Jun Dai, Mei-Po Chan, Che-Man Chan, Pui Wang, Bo-Jian Zheng, Jian Sun, Jian-Dong Huang, Jason Madar, Guanhua Chen, Honglin Chen, Yi Guan & Kwok-Yung Yuen (2010) Identification of influenza A nucleoprotein as an antiviral target. Nature Biotechnology V28, P600–605 https://

Yang, N., Tanner, J.A., Watt, R.M., Jin, L., Zheng, B.J., He, M.L., Lu, L.Y., Lin, Y.P., Wong, K.L., Lin, M.C., Kung, H.F., Sun, H.Z. *, and Huang, J.D.* (2007). Bismuth Complexes as Inhibitors of the SARS Coronavirus, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, V46:6464-6468 (* co-corresponding author) DOI:

Liu, B., Wang, J., Chan, K. M., Tjia, W. M., Deng, W., Guan, X., Huang, J. D., Li, K. M., Chau, P. Y., Chen, D. J., Pei, D., Pendas, A. M., Cadinanos, J., Lopez-Otin, C., Tse, H. F., Hutchison, C., Chen, J., Cao, Y., Cheah, K. S.,Tryggvason K,Zhou Z (2005).Genomic instability in laminopathy-based premature aging. Nature Medicine 11 (7), 780-785

Huang, J.D., Brady, S.T., Richards, B.W., Stenoien, D., Resau, J.H., Copeland, N.G., and Jenkins, N.A. (1999). Direct interaction of microtubule-and actin-based transport motors. Nature, V397: 267-270 DOI:

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